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Unit 3 Amazing people 语法专项讲解-学生频道-【 淮安家教网 - ha.pyoujj】
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Unit 3 Amazing people 语法专项讲解
发布者:本站编辑 发布时间:2009/9/5 阅读:4159次 【字体:


过去完成时(Past perfect tense)


   过去完成时由had + 过去分词构成



   I had worked as a worker for five years before I became a teacher.


   By the end of last year, I had already learnt 5,000 English words.


   2)动词的过去完成时可以用于表示一个本来打算做而没有做的事,常用的动词有:intend, hope, want, mean, suppose, expect, think等。

   I had intended to meet you at the airport, but someone came to see me just when I was about to leave.


   I had wanted to lend you some money, but you didn't ask.


   3)在有hardly…when, no sooner…than等副词的句中,也使用过去完成时,表示“刚刚…就”,“一…就”。

   Hardly had I arrived home when it began to rain.


   No sooner had they left the building than a bomb exploded.


   4)过去完成时还用于下面句型中 It was the first time that…。

   It was the first time that I'd seen such a beautiful place.


   It was the first Hollywood film I had ever seen in America.




   When I got to the airport, the plane had already taken off.


   The plane took off five minutes ago.


   I went to bed after I had finished reading the interesting novel.


   He told me that Sony Corporation had bought Columbia Pictures for$5 billion.



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